An Aspen Dental dentures patient looks out a window and smiles.

Living with dentures

Once your new denture is customized to you, how do you make it a part of your day-to-day? Learn everything you need to know for daily life as a denture-wearer.

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Living better with dentures

Explore the resources designed to help you get more out of life with dentures so you can stay smiling for years to come.

Caring for dentures

Show off a smile you’re proud of by adding recommended daily do’s to your routine from our Denture Experts.

Explore denture care tips

Cleaning dentures

For a smile that’ll keep you confident, learn how to properly clean your denture and maintain great oral health.

Eating with dentures

Did you know you can damage a denture with certain foods? It’s true. Discover which foods are on the menu, which aren’t and more.

Repair a denture

When life happens, we can help. With fast repairs and adjustments, we’ll get you back to smiling with your denture in no time.

Explore repairs

Replacing a denture

Every 5 - 7 years, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends getting your denture assessed to see if a replacement is needed. If it’s time for a new denture, we can help you choose one that’s true to you.

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